(2015 – 2017 ) Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Topic: Study of the mechanical behavior of deep foundations in tropical soil
(2018- 2021) Advisor Silvia Caro Spinel Topic: Rejuvenators derived from palm oil for asphalt mixtures with high content of recycled material type RAP.
(2018 – 2020) Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Topic: Effects of wetting-drying cycles on the dynamic modulus of hot mix asphalt.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Topic: Computational mechanics evaluation of raveling processes in Porous Friction Courses (PFC).
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Joaquim Casal, Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona Thesis: Risk Analysis of technological facilities subjected to natural hazards.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Computational evaluation of asphalt mixtures with encapsulated rejuvenators
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Experimental study of desiccation in superficial soils.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga, Nantes University Thesis: Modeling flexibility and adaptability of infrastructure systems.
Advisor: Nicolás Estrada Thesis: Granular materials composed of highly non-convex particles and their application to fluvial and coastal erosion.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Study of the mechanical behavior of Martian soils at the InSight mission site
Advisor: Miguel Ángel Cabrera Thesis: Evaluation of the behavior of diatomaceous soils under cyclic loads
Advisor: Miguel Ángel Cabrera Thesis: Submerged polydisperse flows, looking for a natural critical grain radius.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Computational mechanics evaluation of raveling processes in Porous Friction Courses (PFC).
Advisor: Felipe Muñoz Grupo de productos y procesos (Process Safety Group – Chemical Engineering). Thesis: Pattern recognition techniques implementation on data from In-Line Inspection (ILI).
Advisor: B. Caicedo & M. Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: K.K. Phoon – National University Singapoore. Thesis: The Hollow Cylinder Tester for Asphalt Mixtures (HCT for AM): design, implementation, and applications.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Andrés Medaglia,COPA Center of optimization and Applied Probability Thesis: Hierarchical modeling of infrastructure networks.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: The Hollow Cylinder Tester for Asphalt Mixtures (HCT for AM): design, implementation, and applications.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Alaa Chateauneuf – U. Blaisse Pascal, Francia Thesis: Experimental modeling of concrete deterioration mechanisms
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated clayey rocks
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Study of the soil atmosphere interaction and bearing capacity of a soil under desiccation.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Professor Georgia-Ann Klutke , Texas A&M University (USA) Thesis: Deterioration modeling and maintenace of Infrastructre Systems.
Advisor: M. Sánchez-Silva & Bernardo Caicedo Co-Advisor: Franck Schoefs /Emilio Bastidas – Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique – GeM UNR CNRS 6183 (France) GeM UNR– Université de Nantes. Thesis: Experimental modeling of concrete deterioration mechanisms.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Modeling air void variability and environmental processes in asphalt mixtures.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez-Silva Co-Advisor: Leonardo Dueñas, Rice University Thesis: Risk-Based Decision Support for Infrastructure Network Operation: The Complex Distributed Agent Network (CoDAN) Framework
Advisor: Nicolás Estrada, Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Contributions for a better understanding of the physical and numerical modeling of soil-atmosphere interaction in geotechnical centrifuge
Advisor: Nicolás Estrada Thesis: Particle fracture in granular materials subjected to cyclic loading with stress rotation
Advisor: Edgar Mauricio Sánchez Co-Advisor: Alaa Chateauneuf – U. Blaisse Pascal, Francia Thesis:Probabilistic coupled model for the evaluation of the useful life of RC struts under corrosion and fatigue.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Thesis: Particle fracture in granular materials subjected to cyclic loading with stress rotation
Advisor: B. Caicedo & M. Sánchez-Silva Thesis: Geotechnical characterization of multilayer structures in centrifuge using surface waves
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: Random generation of two-dimensional structures of permeable mixtures using discrete elements and finite elements.
(In progress) Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of performance and durability of hot asphalt mortars and mixtures with high RAP content rejuvenated with crude palm oil and derivatives.
(In progress) Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the quality and durability of the adhesion of different asphalt-aggregate systems in asphalt mixtures.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Analysis of the impact of the addition of recycled PET to asphalt mixtures on their mechanical and durability properties.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: Development of flexible dynamic airport systems.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: “Evaluation of intervention policies for road networks under uncertainty”.
Advisor: Miguel Ángel Cabrera Thesis: Functionality of a baffle system made of rattan as energy dissipators against mud and debris flows
Advisor: Miguel Ángel Cabrera Thesis: Study of the mechanism that controls the formation and evolution of jigsaw fit blocks transported by volcanogenic debris avalanches
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Physical modeling of the inherent variability of the soil in three dimensions
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Computational evaluation of asphalt mixtures with encapsulated rejuvenators.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Influence of the use of PET as a replacement for aggregates on the mechanical response and durability of hot mix asphalt.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the use of crude palm oil and its derivatives as rejuvenators in materials with a high content of RAP at the level of binder and asphalt mortar.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Random generation of two-dimensional structures of permeable mixtures using discrete elements and finite elements.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the impact of lignin as a modifier or replacement for asphalt.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Verification of Linear Packing Model based on DEM and experimental results.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: Artificial intelligence for adaptive systems.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Impact of aging on the susceptibility to moisture damage in asphalt mixtures
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the impact of the addition of RAP-type material with virgin materials in hot asphalt mixtures.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Susceptibility to moisture damage of asphalt mixtures with the addition of polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Impact of the cost of improving the quality of pavements to reduce road accidents in the city of Bogotá.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Characterization of asphalt binders and asphalt mortars with high content of RAP and rejuvenators based on palm oil.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Linear Packing Model based check
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Design and manufacture of a reduced model of the construction of stage 6 of the Medellín Space Building for centrifuge tests.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Influence of the chemical composition of aggregates on the quality of adherence and durability of asphalt aggregate systems.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: Changeability assessment, its triggers and linear programming approaches for changeable design selection.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Influence of the surface roughness of aggregates on the adhesion quality of asphalt-aggregate systems.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Compressibility of granular soils from their granulometry.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Multiscale study of the influence of the volumetric properties and loading conditions on the fracture properties of HMA materials.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Impact on the addition of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in fine asphalt mixtures (FAM).
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis:Development of flexible infrastructure systems.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Effect of dosage and curing time of an asphalt emulsion in a 100% RAP mixture.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of porous friction courses with highly modified asphalts to reduce fraying.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Co-Advisor: Eduardo José Rueda Cárdenasl Thesis: Implementation of the tension fatigue test – Compression performing control in the middle third using the HCT-AM machine (Hollow cylinder tester for asphalt mixtures).
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Small scale impact compaction experiment.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Small scale impact compaction experiment.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Effects of partial saturation in a residual soil of volcanic ash cemented with lime using oedometric equipment with osmotic technique.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the mechanical impact of the addition of RAP in hot asphalt mixes using a computational mechanics model.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of variability in rutting resistance of fine asphalt mixtures (FAM) with 100% RAP.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the use of hot and cold asphalt mixtures made with rap (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) as base material in rigid pavements.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Variability of the mechanical fatigue performance of fine asphalt mixtures (FAM) with 100% RAP).
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Characterization parameters and mechanical response in diatomaceous soil depending on species / Carlos José Slebi Acevedo
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Physical modelling of liquefiable soils in shaking table.
Advisor: Mauricio Sánchez Silva Thesis: Improving decision-making in principal-agent problems.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Water migration in unsaturated partially hydrophobic soils.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Characterization of moisture damage in fine asphalt mixtures (FAM) manufactured with RAP.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Evaluation of the performance of a hot dense asphalt mix type MSC-25 from Invias with high rap content (50%).
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Hydromechanical response of clayey rocks under cycles of wetting and drying.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Modeling of the undulating behavior of unpaved roads in the Department of Vichada, through tests on a test track.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Behavior of the plate system: pile in clay.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Mechanical characterization of an asphalt mixture modified with synthetic fibers
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Analysis of the evolution of the technical evaluation criteria and their influence on the state of highway concessions in Colombia
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Comparison between methodologies for the generation of microstructures of porous asphalt mixtures
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Numerical modeling of deep tunnels
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Centrifugal modeling for the calculation of differential settlements in buildings
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Physical characterization and analysis of the mechanical behavior of Colombian laterites at the particle level
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Study of the behavior of embankments modified with sodium polyacrylate considering the effect of flooding.
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Hydromechanical response of clayey rocks under cycles of wetting and drying.
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Influence of conservation techniques and the uncertainty of deterioration curves in the life cycle cost analysis of flexible pavements
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Numerical model for simulating the behavior of rigid pavements subjected to the effect of erosion
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Methodology for structural design of unpaved roads based on stress and strain analysis
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Stochastic model to evaluate the impact of the heterogeneity of asphalt mixtures on the variability of fracture in the semicircular bending test
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Influence of the percentage of cement on the mechanical behavior of a mixture of a fine fraction of “laterite” soil with cement and water
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Numerical modeling of raveling in open-graded friction courses (OGFC)
Advisor: Silvia Caro Spinel Thesis: Mechanical characterization of materials stabilized with hydraulic cement
Advisor: Bernardo Caicedo Hormaza Thesis: Evaluation of the modulus of a granular material reinforced with the neoweb cellular confinement system
University of the Andes
Carrera 1 Este N. 19A-40, piso 6.
Mario Laserna Building
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel (57-1)3324312; (57-1)3394949 Ext 2810
Email: [email protected]
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